03 March 2025

Clone Curriculum

Use the Clone Curriculum feature to create a copy of a section of curriculum structure from a Unit Instance (UI), or Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO) downward. The UI or UIO and its associated elements (awards, assessments, and so on) can be replicated to your specification.

When initiated from a UI, you can create a copy of the source UI (which must have a new, unique UI code), along with any elements that are associated with the UI. You can then choose to replicate none, some or all of the UIOs for the chosen UI, again along with any elements that are associated with the source UIOs, including their child UIOs.

The Clone Curriculum wizard guides you through the process of selecting UIOs, child UIOs, and associated elements. The Clone Curriculum wizard is available on the Curriculum Details screen and in the Curriculum Manager.

From the Clone Curriculum wizard, you can: